Gann Master Cycle - Nov 4 2022
$DJIA, $SPX and $COMPX following the Gann Master Cycles & 4 year cycle inversion
Recently Tom McClellan (@McClellanOsc) tweeted at 0:28 am on Fri, Nov 04, 2022:
“The 1962 pattern analog was working great for most of 2022, but it appears to be breaking correlation now, as all such analogs do eventually. This week's down move is not on the prior period's script. Could be a momentary anomaly, but it is looking broken at this point.”
I agree with Tom that eventually pattern analogs or mirror image foldbacks will disappear due to the elliptical nature of the planets, but the 60-year cycle is more than an analog and is based on the 3x the Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle. The Hindu calendar is based on this.
The 60-year cycle is a permanent cycle. The majority of the planets on which our days of the weeks are named after return approximately to the same spot in the zodiac every 60 years. This probably explains why the themes in society often reflect back in society 60 years later as similar planetary mass pressure is experienced. For example: note the 1962 Russian nuclear threat versus the nuclear threat from Russia again in 2022.
Over a period of 60 years there are still differences, for example when planets go stationary or retrograde. Like many cycles the 60-year Gann Master Cycle can invert from time to time but not that often. When polarity changes it is worthwhile to look what happened 120 years ago.
In the course of 13 years, since I am following the 60-year Gann Master Cycle closely, I see approximately every 4 years a pattern emerging in which the 60-year cycle direction is off-track for some time. This is an interesting phenomenon as every 4 years or about 4x360 degrees or 1461 days the 4-year cycle can invert.
Currently the 4-year cycle is in an inversion window, the 4-year cycle inverted back in 2018 as you can see in above chart. It is too soon to conclude if this cycle might invert again but based on planetary geometry I do think this cycle may again invert in the weeks ahead of us. Depending on where the pivot high or low will be printed, this will may determine whether the 60-year cycle will invert for some limited or greater time period or not.
The premium subscribers can read further on the 4-year cycle analysis, it’s possible planetary cause and when an inversion might occur in the weeks to come. They also will find the latest Gann Master Cycle dynamic updates for the DJIA, the S&P 500 and an update on the 49-year cycle on the Nasdaq Composite. This post also contains an updated list of stocks from the S&P100 index that may have a cyclical turn in the next few weeks.
The expectations for 2023 and beyond will be published in our Stock Market Outlook 2023 that will be released mid-December 2022. All premium subscribers will receive a pre-order link coming week for an reduced price.
Disclaimer: Hypothetical or simulated performance based on past cycles have many limitations. Cycles can contract, extend and invert. Anomalies can occur. Hence, past performance is no guarantee for the future. No advice. Read our disclaimer.